Friday 3 May 2013

Custom Kippot/Kippot

The Kippah is a traditional Jewish head cap that is worn either all the time or on special occasions. Conservative Jews wear the Kippot all the time, while liberals choose to wear it when they please. Due to the presence of many Jews in America, there are Leather kippot or Suede kippot shops from which one can buy nice looking and even fashionable Custom Kippot.
Every tradition has its own set of values, ethics and codes. Sometimes, the codes include norms related to dresses, which every member of that particular community, which may be a religion or even cult, must follow or adhere to diligently. But times are changing and in an increasingly modern and progressive society, it is hard to impose any traditional aspect on any individual. But still, many do not have to be forced. They do these things at their own free will. Why? They do so because they want to be part of their cultural heritage and tradition.

That is why perhaps we can find modern, trendy Jews wearing Kippot, which is the conventional cap worn by Jews. It is generally round in shape and quite small and hence not very uncomfortable. Interestingly, modernity and tradition have often found a point of convergence. Kippot is of many kinds, and the companies that provide them these days are making sure that there is no end to the variety and options available for the buyers. But this is the age of mass customization, which helps both the buyers as well as sellers. How? Well, first of all, the buyers get Custom Kippot, which are personalized according to their needs.

Secondly, from the seller’s perspective, they first do their market research in a very methodical manner. They have the technical know-how of everything related to brand management as well as product categorization along with brand positioning. So they know their target groups really well and what kind of product will sell well. Nothing is a better parameter than sales itself, but other forms of feedback really help. It is this scientific technique that has helped sellers realize that Kippah with graphics related to football on it will really have a large number of takers among young people who are fans of football. Similarly, other kinds of shapes, colors and textures are tried to appease and lure customers who have the respective preferences.

There are online stores for buying Leather kippot or even Suede kippot as per the requirement. It should not come as a surprise that there is option of buying kippah from places in America, as that is the country after Israel that has the maximum number of Jews in it. One must be careful before placing order about the reputation of the kippah store. One would want kippah with good finishing and quality that lasts. Also one must make the payment procedure is transparent. Online payment may have some risks, so proper care should be taken before sharing sensitive information, like bank details. Modern outlook means the Jews who buy the kippah are not doing so because they are orthodox, but don’t want to offend their own traditional earlier generations. So they want the caps to look trendy as well. Of course, during certain religious occasions, the kippah is a must. Historically too, the kippah has been mostly worn by traditional men, but sometimes women have also worn it. Kippah of satin and other kinds of fabric will be very common among the choices of the material of kippah.